
FUNGUS GNATS (Sciaridae)
Fungus Gnats are light to dark-gray flying insects. They are small, less than 1/8 of an inch long, with two pairs of wings. Often they are only glimpsed as they fly past your computer screen or around your head.
The potting soil of indoor plants is often the source of any Fungus Gnat infestation. Fungus Gnats are attracted to and breed in over-watered and decaying organic matter. Fungus Gnats are a common problem where decorative indoor plants are present, like office buildings. Left uncontrolled, they can breed in the thousands. They are attracted to light such as computer screens or windows.
Did You Know?
Adult gnats typically live for 7–10 days, but their entire lifespan can be 3–4 weeks depending on the species. Female fungus gnats can lay about 150 eggs in their lifetime.
Fungus Gnats can bother tenants and employees in their work or home environment. People often complain about mysterious bites and itching from “now you see them, now you don’t” Fungus Gnats.
Overwatering plants in office spaces is the number one reason Fungus Gnats will get out of control. An effective pest control program requires mutual effort from owners, managers, and a professional pest management service.
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Fungal Gnats