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i don't like spiders or snakes


SPIDERS: (arachnids)

Spiders come in various colors and sizes. All have eight legs instead of six like an insect. The most dangerous species are the poisonous black widow and the brown widow spider. One of the most common spiders, black widows are approximately one-half inch wide, have large abdomens, and are mostly dark brown to shiny black. The larger ones are the females with males being significantly smaller with small abdomens. Females are often seen hanging on the web upside down, exposing the iconic red hourglass shape on their belly.

While most spiders are beneficial and pose no danger, their webs can become a nuisance by collecting dust and debris. Black widow spiders are poisonous and their bites can cause severe pain and swelling. These bites usually require medical attention. The black widow spider builds loose, irregular webs in dark areas like warehouses and closets. The web is always near a light source like the space under the door or the crack around a warehouse roll-up door or garage door. This species is very prolific. One pea-size white egg sac can produce hundreds of young.

Did You Know?

Spider silk is five times stronger than a steel strand of the same thickness. If spider silk was the thickness of rope it could stop a Boeing 747 mid-flight.

Spiders and snakes are the two most feared creatures in our environment. It’s estimated that as many as 1 in 10 people suffer from an extreme fear of spiders known as arachnophobia. So the sight of spiders on a commercial project can cause severe disturbance to tenants and workers. A build-up of spider webs also drastically reduces a building's overall appearance and aesthetics. Some spiders even leave droppings on the sidewalks and ledges that appear as tiny bird droppings. These also stain dark paint requiring additional maintenance.

The first step to treating spiders is a thorough inspection and identification by a pest control professional. Spiders are predators that feed on insects in their environment. Management strategies focus on eliminating insects around the buildings and reducing or eliminating their food source. In addition, Pestgon uses non-toxic monitoring traps along with residual dust and insecticides in areas most likely to harbor spiders. Removal and sanitation of old spider webs are necessary for long-term results.

Addional Links:
Brown Recluse
Hobo Spider